In 2021 DB Schenker in Italy implemented a new and strategic project: the Collection and Distribution App. Luca Cazzaniga, Project Management Office, DB Schenker in Italy explains in an interview.

“Thanks to the project, we have been able to issue new digital devices to drivers. These devices allow drivers to better manage all activities related to collections and deliveries (“CoDi”).
The CoDi app project officially came into being in 2020 when, in coordination with DB Schenker Region Europe Head Office, we decided to improve our CoDi processes by implementing a sustainable digital solution. We were then forced to postpone the project until 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the beginning of 2021, we relaunched the project with a first phase consisting of app development and fine tuning, along with the introduction of new features. We then started the rollout phase with our first pilot driver in April 2021. After receiving very positive feedback, we implemented the rollout plan, which ran from April to December and incorporated most of the Italian branch offices.”
By now, the app has become a daily tool for drivers and CoDi colleagues, with tangible benefits beyond our expectations. All in all, about 70% of CoDi events involve the app, and we are working in order to further increase this KPI.
Three Questions to Luca Cazzaniga
What do you think are the main strengths of the project?
We have introduced a lot of new advantages for customers, drivers and for own processes. Customers’ advantages include:
- Paperless signature solution (signature on the driver’s device or contactless signature)
- Real time email confirming delivery (with attached signed ePOD)
- Possibility to add remarks
- Real time email confirming collection
- Real time events on all DB Schenker portals
In addition, there are environmental advantages: We have reduced paper consumption by about 6 CBMs in six months. Furthermore, we have increased transparency in our processes
What was the effort for DB Schenker and parties involved?
The project required important efforts from our IT colleagues in the design of interfaces and of all features related to our TMS, from our operational key users in the rollout phase and from the PMO during the whole development.
Do you see any evolution of the project in the future, if so – how?
Yes, there will be a natural evolution to reach the full potential of the project. Besides project fine tuning, we are looking at the full digitalization of the CoDi processes in order to be able to handle all CoDi orders in a paperless way. This will enable us to maximize the benefits in terms of sustainability and process efficiency.